The Gardening Group:

The Gardening Group planted 15 Gumbo Limbo trees on the west side of the school. They painted recycled tires to protect the trees. The Gardening Group has a plan to plant flowers, vegetables and trees around the school.


What are some ways your plants are helping the Earth?
(Andrew says)..plants take in our carbon dioxide and give us oxygen so plants help us breath.

Why do you think plants are important to the Earth?
(Ava says)... "Plants produce food for  people and animals and they make us healthy."
Are you planting any trees?
(Camila says)..."Yes  we are we are planting  Gumbo Limbo trees."

Tips and advice for planting

1: Plant a lot of  trees because they make air for us and we need air.
2:We can help the Earth by planting and it will be good for us too.
3: Plant a lot of flowers because animals such as bees and butterflies get nectar from flowers.
4:When you are planting always remember the 3 main things plants need, air,water
 and sunlight.
5: When you water a plant with a hose remember to turn off the hose so you do not waste any water.

Ways to plant and help our Earth

First, pick a plant that you like and you think it is a good plant to use.
Second, get a good shovel and dig a hole. Make sure they take all the rocks out.
Third, take your plant  and put it in the hole and then cover it with some more soil.
Then, make sure you do not put to much water  on the plant when you water it.
Finally, if you want you can get a tire and paint it any way you want. When you use the tire you recylce a tire. Then put it over you plant or you can plant  the plant in the plant. Now you have a beautiful plant.

Think about this

How do you think plants help our Earth?

Do you plant any plants at home?

If you do, what kind of plants do you plant?

Planting at home is really good and it helps our Earth. Plant at home and at school. Tell all of your family and friends to plant and we can make a greener planet.